stressed healthy succulent

My Plant Journal

Regular documenting or recording of activities matters. This belief has been one on the important lessons I have learned in life.

This journey of taking better care of my plants started 2 months ago . I have been learning basics of gardening & plant health from various sources available on the internet . This includes unconventional sources like reddit and stack exchange .Alongwith plant related Instagram pages ,Youtube channels ,page forums and Facebook groups which offer extensive content .

Out of these learnings, I have been implementing some on my small balcony garden. To monitor this progress , I now maintain a dated chart of activities related to plant watering and fertilization .

For beginners these plant requirements schedule can prove very useful .In my opinion,this journal keeping** can lead to the development of natural understanding of plant needs.

Activity chart with dates for Plants

10 days into the schedule , this is how my plants look today.  

Plant growth :Day 1 post

I plan to update this post every 2 weeks to show the plant progress, success and failures both. If you have any suggestions of improvement, please do let me know. I would be very happy to talk and learn. 

** I have linked a sample spreadsheet which can help beginners to understand the basic needs of their plants .


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